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Adeesh-bode's github profile

Built an online book store management web app


Uzumaki4303's github profile

A web project that replicates the UI design of the Kali Linux home screen and terminal. The webpage is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and is hosted on GitHub Pages.

Razorpay Clone

Jranii's github profile

It is a cloned frontend design of original Razorpay payment gateway.

Dragon-Dino Game

akshaysoni10's github profile

A dragon-dino game in which a dino is jump over a dragon and a scoreboard at the top is automatically increases.

Educational Website

Ks103's github profile

This is the educational website, one can practice their skills and there are many resources also available which can help to crack GATE.

Landing Page

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

Landing page from a Figma project. Features include a responsive design and a mobile menu


Kalivarapubindusree's github profile

blood management system project is an like overall blood management system in our hands, Register,Logins, adding Events and showing Interest to go and donate the blood seraching the donar near by the searched location showing the total donorslist and total bloodbanks and videos and contact us page and updating user profile within the working database

Restaurant Website

Uzumaki4303's github profile

King of Spices is a responsive restaurant website made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It has menu, about us page & reservation page.

Personal Portfolio Using threejs

kartikjoshi267's github profile

This is my personal portfolio website made using ThreeJs and Vite + reactjs


Sahilll15's github profile

Coupon_code is a sophisticated coupon code management system built with ReactJS, Django, Django Rest Framework, and SQLite. Users can add, update, and delete their coupons effortlessly using this efficient platform.